Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The National Bike Challenge is an opportunity to challenge yourself to ride more often. Record your rides, and add up the miles you’ve ridden, the calories you’ve burned, and the gas money you’ve saved. You can connect with other riders in the challenge, or embrace the spirit of competition by winning points for your employer, your community, or your state. You become eligible for prize drawings after you’ve logged just three days on your bike.
You’ll be part of a team of more than fifty thousand riders logging over ten million miles, demonstrating the power of the bicycle to build healthy people, healthy communities, and a healthy planet.

Check out nationalbikechallenge.org

1 comment:

  1. I love the way they do the points too - just for riding, you get 20, so I still have a chance to be in this thing, even though most of my rides are on the shorter side. Would love to win that year's supply of toilet paper!!
