Saturday, December 11, 2010
The case for using recycled bicycles
Predictably, but well known by the hundreds of people who purchase used bicycles from Working Bikes or the thousands who receive used bicycles from one of our international partners each year, commute time on a used bicycle was identical to the commute time on a new upscale bicycle.
You can read the article here: and the full study published in the British Medical Journal here:
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
15,000 WOW
How did he accomplish that? Alan is a one man assembly line.
- Monday: pump up tubes and identify the puncture, marking the hole with chalk line.
- Tuesday: buff each tube at the site of the hole and apply the patch. Alan buys rubber cement in large side jars.
- Wednesday: pump up the patched tubes
- Thursday: verify that the patch held, let the air out, and roll them up. Oh yes, he makes rubber bands out of defective tubes and uses those bands to hold the good tubes in their rolled up position.
- Saturday; deliver the patched tubes to Working Bikes.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
That means today is a perfect day to thank
- everyone who volunteers their time or money to support the mission of Working Bikes;
- everyone who donates a bicycle to Working bikes;
- purchases a used bicycle from Working bikes; and
- supports our partners in Africa and Central America.
There is no better time than today to tell everyone you know about the mission of Working Bikes Cooperative. Whether you have an hour a month or 8 hours a day, you can help us. You don't even need to know how to ride of bike or handle a bike wrench.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Working Bikes in the News
We learned this when one of our volunteers happened to hear it and report back to us.
When you hear radio or tv spots or read a news story where Working Bikes is mentioned, please send an email, call on the phone, or comment on the blog.
thanks for your help.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Ability Bikes in Ghana
Ability Bikes Cooperative is a bicycle micro-enterprise in Koforidua, Ghana that was established through the resources and support of Bikes Not Bombs - Ability Bikes is cooperatively owned and operated by people with physical disabilities and is a full-service repair and retail bicycle shop that imports containers of used bikes, refurbishes and sells the bicycles, provides full-time jobs and skills development to people with physical disabilities, and challenges social structures oppressive to people with disabilities.
Ability Bikes imports containers of bicycles from Bikes Not Bombs, Re-Cycle, and Working Bikes Cooperative.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
WCIU: You and Me
WCIU came to Working Bikes on August 24th. Chris DeRose interviewed Raul Gonzalez, General Manager of Working Bikes and received a lesson in bicycle mechanics from the Working Bikes staff.
In the second piece, Chris meets up with one of the bike machines.
Thank you to WCIU for helping spread the word.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
New City Best of Chicago
Recently, Working Bikes received a certificate of this award which we now display at our storefront. Thanks to NewCity for this honor.
Congratulations on winning Newcity’s “Best of Chicago” award for 2009.
Although we hope you already know you’ve won, we wanted to make sure
you got a copy of the attached certificate for display at your
establishment. Newcity's Best of Chicago stands alone in Chicago: we
publish the longest-running and most-respected compendium. And, in
most cases, categories are not revisited for at least five years,
meaning your title stands for a while.
Every year, Newcity polls critics and our audience in search of the
best of Chicago, then announces the winners in our annual “Best of
Chicago” issue. Newcity is a free weekly publication that targets the
smart set, the cultural visionaries and the trendsetters, and we
congratulate you on winning the approval of such a discerning crowd.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

In May 2010, Working Bikes shipped bikes to Uganda.
"We'll call it 518 bikes to Uganda ... had trouble closing the door to the shipping container! Comprising 448 used adult mountain bikes, 70 used children's bikes, 9 boxes of used parts, 33 used rubber tires & 2 bags of used inner-tubes."
Our partner in Uganda is the Women Prisoner Support Organization. Please read the WPSO website at Working Bikes is happy to be able to support this partner.
In August, we received some photographs of the bicycles being unloaded from the container.
We are anticipating a visit to Working Bikes byIrene Nadunga co-founder and Executive Director of WPSO this year. We are anxious to hear how the bicycles improve the lives of the recipients in Uganda.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Buffalo Grove Environmental Action Team
Environmental Action Team Global Work Party
The Buffalo Grove Environmental Action Team is recycling cycles and more! The group, a Buffalo Grove Park District committee, will host a bike-oriented Global Work Party at the Buffalo Grove Farmer's Market on Sunday, October 10, from 7:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
In addition to an exhilarating hands-on/feet-on bike energy conversion demonstration, in which people can participate, the event will also feature an informative bike clinic, a mechanic from a local bike shop, and members of the League of Illinois Bicyclists and local bike clubs will be on hand to pass out free bike maps and discuss rides and routes. Anyone that has a bike that they are no longer using is encouraged to bring it to donate it to the Working Bikes Cooperative.
Get your bike out of the garage and back on the road or donate it to a great charity! For more information, contact Wendy Frank at (847) 478-1653
More information on the Buffalo Grove Environmental Action Team is available on the Buffalo Grove Park District website at For more information in Working Bikes Cooperative, go to, and for's Global Work Party, go to
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
LL Bean
We will have volunteers on hand, Saturday October 2nd and Sunday October 3rd.
If you want to learn about the mission of Working Bikes Cooperative or have a bicycle to donate, stop into LL Bean and look our "donate a bike banner".
This event continues the relationship between Working Bikes and LL Bean. Working Bikes is grateful to LL Bean for their support of our mission.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Bike the 25th Ward.
- 9AM registration
- 10AM Bike kick-off
- 11AM Celebration
The event is a family-friendly 6.5 mile bike ride staring in Harrison Park in the heart of Pilsen. the route travels through Little Italy, University Village, Chinatown, and pack to Harrison Park.
Working Bikes is pleased to participate at the invitation of Alderman Solis.
More info will be posted at
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Milwaukee Bike Drive
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Shipping bicycles internationally

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Bikes for Sale

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Bike Drives

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Catholic Charities

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
El Salvador
The container was loaded with 496 bicycles and parts delivered to the Salvadoran American Humanitarian Foundation
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Bike Machines

A bike machine uses pedal power to produce energy. Having bike machines as a tool makes life much easier for people who don't have electricity.
Bike machines can be used to: pump water from a well, purify that water, grind up grain, power a stereo (or any other electronic that requires the use of a plug i.e. blender, television, sewing machine, coffee maker, toaster oven) the list is endless!
Working Bikes has a plethora of these machines on display at our warehouse.

Here, they are used as fun educational tools. Pedaling a bicycle in order to blend your coffee drink is a great way to understand the lifestyle of people who benefit from donating a bike.
Then, you can consider what life would be like without bike machines as an energy harnessing tool (much more difficult).
Working Bikes presented this novel idea at Midwest Renewable Energy Fair in Custer, Wisconsin two weeks ago. While there the EE Times (Electronic Engineering Times) took our picture-twice!
Check them out here. And, visit the storefront to test one out for your self!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Volunteer at Working Bikes

Working Bikes is located at 2434 S. Western Avenue in Chicago at the SW corner of 24th Place and Western Avenue.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Fundraiser at Simones
Saturday, May 8, 2010
CHS Interact Club hosts Bike Drive
CHS Interact Club hosts Bike Drive
By HeatherThe Chesterton High School Interact Club, sponsored by the Chesterton-Porter Rotary Club, will be holding a bike drive on May 15th from 9 am-3 pm in the high school parking lot. Used and broken bikes from the community will be gathered and donated to Working Bikes Cooperative, a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization based in Chicago. Working Bikes repairs used bikes and ships them overseas to the Gulf Coast, Ghana, Tanzania, Angola, Cuba, Guatemala, and Peru. The bikes are highly valued in these countries as a crucial means of transportation. Even bikes in poor condition are valuable for parts! For more information on the event, please click the link
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Working Bikes and LL Bean
On Saturday afternoon Working Bikes Volunteer Gary Gilbert talked with various customers about the mission of Working Bikes. LL Bean collected several used bicycles for Working Bikes. Volunteer Alan Lloyd picked up the bikes and delivered them to 2324 S Western.
There is a nice mix of bicycles appropriate for shipping internationally as well as some appropriate for our local donations project.
If you find yourself in South Barrington, stop in and say Hello to Katie and the folks in the LL Bean Bike Shop and thank them for supporting Working Bikes.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Bracing for the busy season
Picking up where we left off, additional shelves have been installed. Remember the wheel pile, aka, "The Inspiration"?

After the last iteration, the wheel aisle looked like this:
...and, unfortunately, things didn't get any better...
But changes were afoot...
Another step in the right direction.
A whole lot of debris was hiding in/under/around the cages.
All cleaned up & ready for the next step.
Room has been made for an additional wheel aisle and two more double rows of bike "shelves".
The shelves are built and ready for use.
Populated: again, with road bikes on top and cruisers below. Cruisers are just too heavy to be stored on the second level.
Still more work was to be done. The area to the right of this pic had 2 rows of double stacked bikes - unfortunately a pic didn't get snapped prior to dismantling the first row. It soon became obvious that it is far easier to stack the bikes than to unstack... Doh!
From this prior blog post pic you can see the double stacked bikes in the background - most notably how the aisle is barely passable & definitely not wide enough to ride a bike through (well, Aaron probably could but...).
The majority of the double row of double stacked bikes were local donation type bikes.
Shelves built and the aisle appears to be wide enough.
Loaded with bikes and sure enough - the aisle is wide enough to safely ride a bike through!
BUT, the bike shelving wasn't the only thing going on. Recall that unsorted wheels was the impetus of all of the aforementioned organization. So, a wall of wheels (the WoW) was built. Before the WoW, about 75 wheels were hung in the aisle between the first two bike racks. Well, now more than 400 wheels can be hung in the same aisle.
The original Mtn Bike wheel aisle:
Why have only 1 row when you can have 3?
By hanging the wheels 3 rows high the amount of wheels stored in the aisle between the bike shelves multiplied by a factor of 6.
View of the same section, but from the other side.
Building the frame & fastening the rods was quite an acrobatic feat.
Once all 3 rows were hung and secure they were ready to be filled with 27" front wheels.
This triple stacking should make finding the "perfect" replacement wheel a cinch.
Opposite side view.
A preview of the second WoW in between the new cages. Unfortunately, we've run out of the hooks :(
Once more hooks are procured, the remaining wheels will be hung. Ideally, all of the wheels that are currently in the original "cages" (see the pics at the top of this blog) will be easily perused and pulled rather than having to dig through a mess sharp metal.
More to come soon...